The huge growth in the number of solid fuel burning appliances used in UK and Bristol homes has exposed the failure of existing smoke control legislation to control air pollution from domestic sources.

The government updated its Clean Air Strategy in 2019.  The strategy outlines how the government will deal with all sources of air pollution. Options outlined in the strategy to reduce the impact of domestic solid fuel burning include:

  • New powers for local authorities to raise awareness of Smoke Control Areas and enforce these areas
  • Ensuring only the very cleanest stoves can be bought and installed through Ecodesign regulations
  • Ensuring only the cleanest fuels are available through the regulated sale of unseasoned or wet wood (which is highly polluting when burned)
  • Voluntary industry initiatives such as Woodsure’s Ready to Burn scheme and the Stove Industry Alliance’s Ecodesign Ready brand

The Environment Bill that is currently going through parliament has several references to solid fuel burning and proposes increased regulation of the sale of wood and coal for domestic burning.

Bristol City Council is looking into how it can tackle particulate matter pollution.