Inhale – Sculpture by Luke Jerram

College Green Bristol

On 19th June, Inhale, the 3.1m mega-diesel soot particle will be migrating its way through the city’s streets, just like the real pollutants circulating our air. After its first [...]


National Clean Air Day

College Green Bristol

Various events, various organisers and hosts, various locations - see event listings for detail

TRESA stall for National Clean Air Day

Totterdown Residents Environmental & Social Action (TRESA) will be in Totterdown Square (between the Oxford Pub and Tescos) from 10:00 am to mark National Clean Air Day in Totterdown. [...]


Clean Air Day at Southmead Hospital

Southmead Hospital

North Bristol NHS Trust will be celebrating Clean Air Day on the 21st June in order to raise staff and patient awareness of the link between air pollution and [...]

Build your own pollution sensor and other activities

Felix Road Adventure Playground

Knowle West Media Centre to raise awareness of air pollution and how you can build your own sensor to detect particulate matter. Event co-run with Bristol Friends of the [...]


Clean Air Community Call-Out, Bishopston

Boston Tea Party 293 Gloucester Road

Community Call-Out: A short, informal event: join others, find out more, celebrate and share pledges further, and hear from guest speakers. These include: Eleanor Combley (Bishopston Councillor and Bristol [...]


Harbour Festival

Bristol Harbourside Bristol Harbourside, Bristol

Holder for air quality presence at Harbour festival

Bristol’s Air Pollution and You – public meeting

Malcolm X Centre BS2 8YH 141 City Road, Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom

Come and find out more about Bristol’s air pollution caused by diesel fumes and the effect on your health and the health of your family. Think about what you can do to help reduce Nitrogen Dioxide, the chemical causing the air pollution Tell us what you need the council or government to do to help you.